facebook graph api post to timeline

Completed Changes - Facebook Developers.
facebook graph api post to timeline
Facebook Graph API gets Square picture of wall post - Stack Overflow.
facebook graph api post to timeline
facebook - Posting on user's timeline on the behalf of the user.
I'm using https://graph.facebook.com/JellyBelly/posts (with an access token) to get all the posts on a. Facebook API - posting to a timeline.
Facebook Developers. BugsGraph API - Cannot Update Tab Position for new Timeline Page layout. 2. Post a new tab position to the Graph API.
Post a link using the Graph API - Facebook Developers.
We will remove the ability to post to a user's friends' walls via the Graph API. If you want to allow people to post to their friends' timelines, invoke the feed dialog.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/tutorial/. discard. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.. How can I add a custom date to the facebook timeline through graph api.
When getting the wall/timeline posts I make the following requests: Feed: http:// graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=. Posts:.
It would be great to know if we are going to be able to create/update certain attributes of posts with the new Timeline. There is no info about this in the Facebook.
can not get comments from timeline posts after migration to new.
Mar 17, 2013. I'm trying to build an app using facebook's JS SDK and Graph API, and. in response graph api returns not only the timeline posts user made.
Search Facebook Developers. BugsBackdated time not returned in Graph API response for posts on Pages, only created time and updated time. Thanks. Marked as Duplicate of Can we access Timeline Life Events through the graph API?
Getting others' posts on a Facebook page's timeline - Stack Overflow.
I have tireless read through other forums and the Graph API documents, and I keep. It is nothing like actually posting to the status timeline.
Open Graph Around the web and on Facebook, users are interacting with the people and. Batch Requests · Homepage Ads via API · Using ETags. are shared as stories on Facebook via the News Feed, Ticker, and on users' Timelines.. For example, if you are a fan of the Facebook Marketing page, its page posts are.